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2020-10-20 Conda Community Meeting

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Last Meeting's Agenda and Minutes


  • Name (Initials) (githubid)
  • Matthew R Becker (MRB) (beckermr)
  • Megan C. Yancy (MCY) myancy-anaconda
  • Michael C. Grant (MCG) mcg1969
  • Paul Ivanov (PI) ivanov
  • Michael Sarahan (MCS)
  • Cheng Lee (CHL) (chenghlee)
  • Hameer Abbasi (HA) (hameerabbasi)
  • Amy Williams (AW) (@awilliams-anaconda)
  • Kale Franz (KF) @kalefranz
  • Sebastien Awwad (SA) (awwad)
  • Marcel Bargull (MB) mbargull
  • Crystal Soja (CAS)
  • Uwe Korn (UK) (xhochy)
  • Filipe Fernandes (FF)
  • Marcelo Duarte Trevisani (MDT) (marcelotrevisani)
  • Connor Martin (CJM)
  • Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos (GPC)
  • Eric Dill (EDD) gh: ericdill
  • Peter Wang (PZW)
  • Scopatz (SPZ)


  • Welcome


  • Meeting for 20201103: Move to 20201102 (Election day is 20201103)

Standing Items

  • Website: Check the draft for text on the website so design process can continue with some actual content.

  • Conda Community Triage / Conda Triage team so community members and contributors can start helping?

    • Conda Constructor

      • GPC - @goanpeca (1-2 hours per week?)
    • Conda

      • KF
      • GPC - @goanpeca (1-2 hours per week?)
      • CJM
    • Conda-build

      • KF
      • CJM
      • FF (ocefpaf)
      • MDT
    • Conda-Pack

      • MCG
    • Ensureconda *

    • setup-miniconda / setup-miniforge (github actions)

      • GPC - @goanpeca (1-2 hours per week?)
    • grayskull

      • MDT
    • conda-mirror?

    • conda-suggest?

    • conda-press?

    • conda-lock?

    • libronda

      • MCS
    • others from

    • Discussion: KF is creating/updating process documentation of conda/conda-build Permissions are needed to let people update - need github ids members currently on call will be added for issue-management permissions to edit on repositories Triage during community call? (FF, MCG)- needs scheduling - some time in november? Kick-off meeting?

  • Organize list on this hackmd on 'short term'/'medium term'/'long term' actionable items?

New Agenda Items

  • N/A

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

  • N/A

Active Votes

  • N/A

Subteam Updates

  • Specification Subteam

Open PRs

  • N/A


Action items

  • Schedule community issue triage kick-off mtg -- ??
  • Anaconda action item: get clarification about using "conda" trademark in community project names

Previous Meetings

Last Meeting 202001006

Action Items


Move to Issue Tracker

Current Action Items